Tabbles PRO Edition 5.9.60
Tabbles PRO Edition 5.9.60|Packed in VMware ThinApp|Windows(x86/x64)|rar|68.4 mb
Tagging software for individuals and teams, Tabbles takes you beyond folders and drive letters
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All portable assembly, designed exclusively for the promotion of the software and can be used for informational purposes only!
After testing the program and decide on the usefulness and necessity of you, this software - you are required! remove the assembly and turn to the developer, to purchase a license for a full version. Good luck!
Release Notes
Tabbles can categorize files and folders, storing them in tebblah (tags) and then you can find them easy to remember what was this or that file, and thus quickly and easily find the message you would like.
Even if you are a very organized person, sooner or later, you may encounter a problem in which folder to save this file? "..." I remember later where this file if you keep it in this folder? "..." Can make a copy this file? ". The program Tabbles such problems would not arise!
A tabble is a TAG and a VIRTUAL FOLDER
Link a tabble to a file or drag'n'drop a file into a tabble. Then double click on a tabble to see what's "inside" it.
The tabbles behave like folders
You can copy&paste and drag&drop your files, folders and URLs into tabbles.
The same file can go into several tabbles
Nothing is duplicated, the link between files and tabbles is safely stored in Tabbles' database
You can put a file in as many tabbles as you want: the tabbles are special containers that you can use to categorize your files, folders and bookmarks. Using Tabbles you can quickly categorize, find , sort and share your files, in a totally new way.
Organize: no more duplications, links or files in the wrong folder.
Tabbles allows you to organize your files independently from the folder structure. Or to refine your existing folder organization.
Using Tabbles you can link your files to several projects, (or customers, or... you name it), without copying or moving them. The hierarchical folder system forces you to put each file in one and only folder forcing you to rigidly link the file to the folder containing it. Very often you need to use the same files in different situations with little or no change: this results typically in having many copies of the same file scattered around your hard-drive.The file categorization typically starts using the auto-tagging feature: this way you will be able to tagging files based on where they are (more about auto-tagging here).
Tabbles will help you with
Redundant files and duplicates: you won't need to worry anymore about finding out if and where a copy of that given file was being used. Nor you will need to clean up folders from redundant copies anymore, because you won't need to copy or move your files around anymore.
.Inconsistencies: whenever you'll need the same file in several different projects, using Tabbles© you won't need to create and modify copies of the same file.
description (en) tabbles - Organize your files using tags
Tagging software for individuals and teams, Tabbles takes you beyond folders and drive letters.
Tag any file
Tabbles can tag any file type on any file system: the tagging is stored in a database. Tabbles won't mess up with your file names or leave hidden files on your disk.
Let Tabbles key automatically create tags and tag your files based on their path, their name and their content or data-mine information using regular expressions.
Write multiple and searchable comments on files, bookmarks and emails in a chat-like fashion, along with your team. Each comment shows the author and its timestamp.
Search everything
Tabbles 5 crack unified search box can search through file name and paths, as well as tags, comments and file content.
Move files in Explorer.
.and the tagging follows! If you move, rename or delete a tagged file in Windows Explorer, the tagging will follow and won't be lost (or even some 3rd party file managers)
Google Drive, Dropbox.
Tabbles' file stream support and Folder Synchronization features, let you tag files on any synchronized cloud storage or file stream tool with your team. See howto's for Google Drive and Dropbox/Sharepoint.
Emails, Bookmarks
Tag Outlook emails and bookmarks on any browser, and find them along with your files inside your tags.
Let Tabbles scrape your drive(s) using regular expressions to data-mine sensitive information (email addresses, credit cards or social security numbers) or names from a list and auto-tag files.
Tag, auto-tag and share your tagging with your colleagues. Tag on local disks, network drives and in the Cloud, manage users and groups through granular permissions.
File Previews
You can preview most graphic files (psd, ai, jpg, png.) and PDF (the first 10 pages) in the preview box of Tabbles.
Explorer integration
Tabbles 5 is deeply integrated with Windows Explorer: you can perform many tasks from the Context Menu, and you will see an Overlay icon on tagged files.
Release New
Release New
File management workload: as your disk will be cleaner from copies, the need to"clean up your hard drive" will be considerably reduced, if not eliminated. As a lot of the file management is done to organize your files and folders, using Tabbles you will forget about this.
Disk space: fewer files copied and less "mess" in your hard-drive will necessarily mean having using less space on you hard-drive
System Requirements
- Restrictions: It does not correspond to the tablet mode.
- CPU: Intel® Pentium 4 or later / AMD Athlon 64 or later (900 MHz or greater)
- (64bit support recommended)
- Memory: 4GB or more (Recommend 8GB or more)
- HDD: 10GB or more of free disk space
- Display: XGA (1,024x768), Full Color (24 bit or higher), 16-bit display (32-bit recommended)
Windows XP, Windows Vista all SP, Windows 7, Work on Windows 10 is POSSIBLE, BUT NOT GUARANTEED!
Language Multilanguage(Russian English)
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